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Testing Comments (Paginated)

    This post test nested and paginated comments. Sine sed diffundi proximus. Super minantia praeter temperiemque scythiam. Posset: nix aliis acervo magni acervo temperiemque formaeque. Pinus locis? Liquidum montibus quia dedit sui orba margine reparabat. Evolvit mundum nuper pontus. Liquidum iunctarum regna pontus totidem freta qui hominum frigore. Tumescere quae suis. Qui quisquis. Omni possedit seductaque… Weiterlesen »Testing Comments (Paginated)

    Media Embeds

      Really cool to read through and find so much awesomeness added to WordPress 3.6 while I was gone. I should take three weeks off more often. — Andrew Nacin (@nacin) April 3, 2013 This post tests WordPress‘ Twitter Embeds feature. Posted as per the instructions in the Codex. Learn more about Embedding Youtube in WordPress.